Criteria for Granting CE Credits among Training Institutions/Entities by the Dental Council of Jamaica (DCJ) (Update)

The DCJ is committed towards maintaining clinical competencies by ensuring that all dental professionals operating in Jamaica maintain state-of-the-art methods and protocols that will ensure safe clinical practises. The primary objective is to mitigate those risks associated with the delivery oral health services.

The Continuing Education Provider wishing to be awarded CE Credits to their participants is required to provide the following.

  1. All courses offered for CE Credits  must have a sound  scientific basis in order to adequately protect the public;
  2. In addition to providing the course outline and course content, the curriculum vitae of each course instructor must be provided;
  3. Education objectives , course development, course selection and course instructors must be conducted  independent of commercial interests;
  4. The provider must ensure that Continuing  Education activities  promote improvements in oral healthcare  and the training activity must not be specific drug , device, service  or technology of a commercial entity;
  5. Promotional activities must not be designed for CE Credits, and
  6. Application to obtain CE Credits must be submitted to the DCJ at least three (3) months prior to the training event/conference.

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