Dental Professionals

Category of Dental Professionals in Jamaica

Dentist trained in all aspects of dental practice

Dental Hygienist
Dental Technician
Dental Laboratory Technician
Dental Nurse
Dental Therapist

Dentists / Dental Surgeons work as independent health care providers/practitioners and for the purpose of registration may practice all aspects of dentistry that is within their competency and scope of training.  Dental Surgeons provide assessment, diagnosis, treatment, management and preventive services to patients of all ages. The education requirement for a graduate dentist to be registered is a minimum four-year full-time dental education programme approved by the Dental Council of Jamaica.

The dental profession’s scope of practice covers the full range of activities and responsibilities which individuals within the profession are educated, trained and competent to perform.  

All dental practitioners are members of the dental team who exercise autonomous decision-making within their particular areas of education, training and competence, to provide the best possible care for their patients.

Dental specialists are Dentists / Dental Surgeons who have undertaken additional specialized training and education. There are 13 dental specialists:

Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Oral medicine
Oral pathology
Oral surgery
Paediatric Dentistry
Public Health Dentistry (community dentistry)
Special Needs Dentistry, and
Forensic odontology.